01 April, 2011

Our collection of Prezis

Over the past few months our class has been experimenting with, and using, the website Prezi.com to extend the ways we can create and share our ideas with others. The Prezis cover various topics. We hope you like them!


  1. Anonymous6/4/11 01:32

    I am an elementary school teacher from Georgia. I am very impressed with your student Prezi's. I think I might have my student make one. I really liked the twitter one, I don't have a twitter and that made me want to get one!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I thought these were great examples of how to use Prezi in the classroom. I am about to begin this with my 4th graders. We are going to use the conceptual lens of process. I have an example of a process on my blog. I would love for you to leave comments on our kids blog posts if you have a chance.

    Thank you

    Mr. Fillner
    4th Grade teacher
    Cedar Rapids, IA

  3. Anonymous11/4/11 16:07

    I think prezi is good because you can access it from any computer because it is on the internet but the bad thing is that if your internet is bad it might be slow.

