04 February, 2010

Week in Review for 04/02/10

This week in year 6 we had lots of fun, we had our videos in Inquiry, we read out our persuasive writing texts and lots more things that I will explain now!



In inquiry we practiced our scripts, did the last few touches to our diaramas and then we made the videos, my group's animal is the Asian Elephant and it is much endangered! Also, the other year 6 class came to see our work because they didn't really know what to do in this project but it's normal because the project is quite difficult. We are also still working on our research papers and presentations.



In English we had to listen to a partner read their persuasive writing texts and tell them where to put more expression in what they say because some people didn't put much expression and it made what they were reading quite boring. Then, we rehearsed with our group. After that the teacher gave us a post-it note with a letter on it and he would call out a person and say "this person is letter A, B, C…" and the person with the post-it note and that letter had to mark the person reading their persuasive writing text and at the end when everyone had read their persuasive writing text we could go to break.



In maths we have been working on parallel sides and shapes with lines of symmetry which was quite fun because we got to use the mirrors and colour in the shapes! We also worked on reflecting shapes in the four quadrants and naming more difficult 2D shapes. We also got to do our maths games which was also lots of fun because the different groups had different ideas and they were all really cool!


Thanks P!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous20/2/10 21:01

    Hey everyone!!!
    I have been going up on the year 6 website and reading all the reviews which have been really helpful for me in a way! ive heard the the new podcast put up from the yellow group I enjoyed listening to it! I hope there is more coming up....CANT WAIT
    PS:could you show this comment to everyone in class please??

