09 September, 2010

Week in Review for 9/9/10

This week we learned about lots of things. In math we learned about inverse operations rounding decimals, rounding and ordering decimals. In rounding decimals what we learned was obviously rounding decimals and it depends on the number whether to round up or down and I learned a new stratagy to find out what would the number be if I was rounding up what would be in between.When we were doing inverse operations today we well I learned that there can be patterns in inverse operations and that (I already knew this but other people might have not known) that the opposite of - is +and the opposite of x is division. Finally we learned about rounding and ordering decmials I don't remember exactly what we did but also obviously we learned about rounding and ordering decimals. In Inquiry each one of us did a title page about cultures, religions and so on. On my title page I put the flag, a cross, the muslim sign and all my writing was in a bubbly font. In P.E. we were focasing on playground games so we did hopscotch and in swimming some people well most of our class were disapionted because everyone was put in a lower or two lower groups. Its going to be a surprise for me (when I get better) to know what group I'm going to be in. I think that this year will be a awesome year and by the end of it we will be computer experts.

Thanks M!

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