04 June, 2011

Week in Review 26/05/11

GCSE Art Exhibition
In PE, we were doing swimming and I really enjoyed it a lot! We have our swimming session every Tuesday. We were doing survival lessons which was a very big challenge for some of us. The PE teachers would throw a ball to you, if you catch it with one hand, then you get a 30 second rest, if you catch it with 2 hands then you only get a 10 second rest! After that, we played Water Polo which is very rare in PE. I learned that it is not very easy to stay in the sea if you are trying to save someone.

In Math, we had our mathematics assessment which i thought was not going to be very easy but it was actually simpler than I thought. I learned that you don't have to create a big scene if you have an assessment , it is better to stay calm and think carefully.

In English, we also had our assessment. It was about comprehension and we read some passages and we were asked questions about the passage like what happened. I thought that the comprehension assessment was harder than the Math because it was like a memory game.

In Inquiry, we were making comics related to our Unit of Inquiry - We are responsible for our personal well being as we develop. I found the comic part quite fun... mine was about Peer Pressure. I learned that when you get older you develop in different ways like bullying, peer pressure, hygiene and nutrition, but you also become more responsible for things which are more important.

Thanks N!

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